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13 September 2024


-- "'After he stabbed him a few times, he hit him with either a hatchet or a hammer on the head several times. Another man tried to intervene and stop it and he was stabbed a couple times in the chest,’ the witness said.  The witness said a woman who knows the alleged attacker then chased him down the street.  ‘He proceeded to beat her with a hammer and stomped on her head,’ said the witness. ‘I’m numb right now. I still can't believe it. I can't believe it happened like that.’" --

Two bodies in the cooler... and one in critical condition.  Think we might have to revisit the definition of 'safe.' 

Too little... too late...

-- "Kingston Mayor Bryan Paterson called for the encampment to be cleared and for both ICH and the supervised injection site it houses to shut down. 'We as a city have been talking about the dangers of this encampment in and around the supervised injection site for almost three years,' the mayor wrote." --
And that, my friend, is the problem.