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22 May 2024


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-- "In its annual report for 2023 the Canadian Security Intelligence Service says that Canadians opposed to gender ideology may be inspired by the University of Waterloo attack to carry out their own extreme violence against the 2SLGBTQIA+ community or against other targets they view as representing the gender ideology agenda." --
Good gravy... where is this army of mindless, homicidal homophobes?
-- "The spy agency could only cite the example of former University of Waterloo student Geovanny Villalba-Aleman, who stabbed two students and a professor in a Gender Studies class in June 2023 as evidence the supposed threat to Canadian security." --
I think maybe CSIS needs to re-examine the geopolitical landscape...
-- "Dozens of churches in Canada have burned down since May 2021, and dozens more have been vandalized." --
And those Muslim votes ain't just gonna buy themselves.