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26 March 2024


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-- "Somehow, the Trudeau Liberals have figured out how to spend $42 million on a 'gun buyback' program that hasn’t seen the government take ownership of a single gun. This is $42 million spent trying to design a system to take guns away, not from criminals, but from law-abiding, legal, licenced gun owners. Imagine what that $42 million could have accomplished if spent on increasing capabilities at the border to stop gun smuggling." --

Seriously, though... it's even worse than you think

The guns Justin doesn't even want to acknowledge...

-- "Police said 18-year-old Gene Fisher of Toronto and an unnamed 15-year-old were arrested in an alleged armed carjacking of a delivery man at 9:30 p.m. on Monday in the Islington Avenue and Finch Avenue West area." --
 What about hundreds of millions in KungFlu medical devices?
-- "Ventilators bought during the pandemic from an ex-Liberal MP’s company but never used have been donated to Ukraine as war surplus, Blacklock’s Reporter is reporting." --