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04 December 2021


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-- "Statistics Canada tells us that death rates in 2020 did not differ dramatically from death rates in 2019, 2018 and prior years." --  "For Canadians not living in nursing homes, COVID is statistically less likely to cause harm or death than driving your car to work." --
The fear is failing... wake up and smell the politics...
"The World Health Organization announced today -despite worldwide panic- on a global basis, no one has died from the Omicron variant."
IF IT ONLY SAVES ONE LIFE:   This is what will kill Canadians...
-- "A recent report, commissioned by the CMA from consulting firm Deloitte, estimates that there's currently a backlog of 327,800 procedures — and that it will take at least $1.3 billion in additional funding "to return wait-times to their pre-pandemic levels." --