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26 August 2021


...SWEET BABY JEBUS...insert alt text here
-- "Fox News reported shortly after the news broke of the explosion that reports indicate at least three American military members were injured in the attack. The attack also reportedly prompted rapid gunfire exchanges which may be ongoing at press time. Local reports indicate the explosion occurred in a densely populated part of the airport, potentially causing a large number of casualties." --
-- "A suicide attack outside Kabul’s airport Thursday has left at least 13 dead, including children, and four US soldiers injured — as reports emerged of a second explosion, according to US and Taliban officials." --
Could've been worse... ol' Mo could've pulled the pin inside a packed C17  rolling down the runway. 

UPDATE: They know Biden's running scared...
"After two explosions occurred at the airport in Kabul, the Pentagon confirmed US casualties, and Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said that this was a 'coordinated attack.'"
Apparently, Maryam Monsef, Canada’s Minister for Women and Gender Equality, is unavailable for comment. 

Looks like Kabul has officially turned into a hostage situation.