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07 April 2021


Coming soon to a Medical School near you...
"United Airlines, which is the only major one in the U.S. to own a flight school, says at least half of those trainees will be women or people of color. "
Less than 6% of all pilots and flight engineers are women. Only about 10% of them are Black, Asian, Hispanic or Latino Americans.
Because misogyny & slavery, right?  

Call me crazy, but the only plane I'm gonna fly on has to have a Pilot who got there on merit. 

Candidates were asked whether they got mostly A's in high school. If they answered "yes," they got five points.
Candidates were also asked if they'd been unemployed for the past three years. If they answered "yes" to that question, they got 10 points.
They got double the points for three years of unemployment as they did for getting straight A’s.
How does that make us safer?