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04 April 2021


...but I have nothing but admiration for this principled stand...insert alt text hereJust another story you won't see on the CBC...
"Police were volubly expelled from a Polish church in Alberta, Canada after disrupting an Easter service, with Pastor Artur Pawlowski denouncing them as 'Gestapo Nazi communist fascists' and 'psychopaths'."
"'Can you imagine, those psychopaths,' Pawloski said to the camera as the officers walked away. 'Passover. The holiest Christian festival in a year, and they’re coming to intimidate Christians during the holiest festival — unbelievable!'"
From the comments...
"Having suffered for many years under the oppression of both Nazism and Communism the people of Poland know state tyranny when they see it."
"Western nations need to wake up - they are sleep walking into totalitarianism".
LAST WORD: Time to take a stand...
As detailed by Ezra Levant, 176(2) of the Criminal Code makes it a crime to disturb church service.