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29 March 2021


Courtesy of the lefty lapdog media...insert alt text here
The old journalism has been mostly replaced by reporters who only know how to cover social justice issues.  They can cover the Biden administration through the lens of race or sex, but don’t ask them to do basic things like figure out who’s making the decisions in the White House.
The Biden administration is the equivalent of one of those cartoons of a bunch of kids standing on each other’s shoulders while draped in a trenchcoat so they can all pretend to be one adult.
The illusion holds up until they try to walk.
Two RCMP cruisers arrived shortly after the start of the sermon. The officers spoke with someone outside of the church for a few minutes before leaving the grounds.
However, one cruiser remained behind and parked just off the property.
Yeah... let's keep that dangerous Christian pastor in jail where he belongs.