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09 March 2021

That's some Religion of Peace...'ve got there...insert alt text here
PARIS (AFP) - A schoolgirl who sparked a deadly online hate campaign against French teacher Samuel Paty - after he showed cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed to students has admitted to lying and spreading false claims about him.
The schoolgirl, who had already been threatened with expulsion because of disciplinary problems, was not in the class.
The girl has since been charged with slander, while her father and another man, an Islamist preacher and campaigner, have been charged with "complicity in murder" over the killing.
Not familiar with this one? 

RELATED:   Springtime in Paris 

LAST WORD:   Think stuff like this doesn't happen here?
"Feminists had no response to this tragedy. They were last seen celebrating their victory over a popular doll's exaggerated breast size while advocating the unhindered destruction of unborn babies."
Think again.