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29 March 2021


Let's wash that down with some Roxham Road cocktails...
When people leave their native countries looking for a better life, one thing they try to bring with them is a taste of home.
With bold flavors... this is food for both the body and soul.
You know... not like that tasteless, mind-numbing honky slop.

It just seems that, for folks who say they're "looking for a better life"... they sure do a lot of moaning & complaining.
And while the attack in Atlanta happened more than 1,500 kilometres away, attendees at Sunday’s rally say it hits too close to home.
When I saw those people being attacked I feel the same pain as if I was being attacked,” said Jessica Li.
Really... that's how this stuff works? 

Let's ask some people with real world experience...
The area has been under attack by Islamist militants since Wednesday. Witnesses have described hiding out while waiting to be rescued by boat, on a beach strewn with headless bodies.
Or maybe Jessica could move to Los Angeles...
A 66-year-old woman, Jeanne Ann Edgar was stabbed to death trying to protect her dog that was also killed in a random attack Thursday near a San Dimas park.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said a "crazed man" started stabbing the dog, and when Edgar tried to intervene, she was killed.