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15 March 2021


Special rules for special people...insert alt text here
Several forensic experts told USA Today Sports that the available evidence in the case indicates Woods was inattentive or asleep when the SUV went right into a median instead of staying in the lane as it curved right.
They cited clues, including the lack of skid marks indicating braking, for questioning the Sheriff Department’s decision to quickly label the crash an "accident" and to not bring in an expert to have Woods’ blood examined.
Accident reconstruction experts said the links legend’s inability to remember driving at all was reason enough to bring in a drug-recognition expert, or DRE.
THANK ALL GAWDS FOR BODYCAMS:insert alt text here
Metro Nashville Police Officer Josh Baker then tries to take the woman into custody as she yells and reaches for a handgun, opening fire on the officer, who shoots back and fatally wounds Holbert.
Officer Baker was shot in the torso during the shootout
Mom tries to turn shooting into George Floyd II...
News 4 talked with Holbert's mother, who said she was on the phone with her daughter just before the shooting.
"I don’t think my daughter shot him. They need to explain it to me tell me like I’m a fourth grader."
As Richard Pryor once famously said...
“Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?