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16 March 2021

I wouldn't even bet five bucks...

...on hockey games...insert alt text hereWhy would I bet my child's life?
A growing number of European countries – including Germany, France, Italy and Spain – have suspended use of AstraZeneca´s vaccine, though the company and international regulators say there is no evidence the shot is to blame for the blood clots.
Isn't that what tobacco companies said about their product?

"Geez, if I had known there might be side effects, I wouldn't have taken the vaccine"
"Oh, wait. I didn't take it for exactly that reason."
UPDATE: Canadian "experts" beg to differ...
"National Advisory Committee on Immunization says “real-world evidence” show the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is safe for people over age of 65."
GERMAN GERM RESEARCH FROM 1890:insert alt text here
It's just one giant Milgram Experiment.