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30 March 2021

“Anti-Asian Statements”

Around here, we call that "burying the lede"...
"New York police are 'SEARCHING FOR A MAN' who punched and kicked a 65-year-old woman while making 'anti-Asian statements,' the latest violent incident following a rise in hate crimes in the United States."
insert alt text here
"New York City Police Commissioner Dermot Shea said last week that targeting anyone 'because of the colour of their skin, the religion they worship, their sexual preference or anything else' would not be tolerated."
Those gol-darned men. 

"Six Nations members responded with fires and blockades. They dug a series of trenches across the road and laid a crushed-up school bus along Caledonia’s main thoroughfare, creating a strategic protected zone around the camp."
"Roads were repaired and reopened to traffic, but the camp still stands."
According to records, the OPP spent $16,272,709 by Jan. 19, 2021 — exactly six months after the occupation started.
Special rules for special people.