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23 February 2021

Once Upon A Time

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“Media bias doesn’t begin to describe what is in this book. Media giants have weaponized fake news to the benefit of the left, the globalists, and the multi-national corporations that control so much of our lives,” Marlow said.
“From the cronyism to the China ties, to the unending web of lies and half-truths, this book lays out the reality of what our media has become, and it is enraging.”
"In a subsequent op-ed written by the man in the Toronto Star, he wrote, “We were not wearing ski-masks and brandishing a weapon to ignite a public safety response.”
Hey, let's ask Ottawa's Black Police Chief...
"Narrating the still image on the screen, Sloly said: “This image clearly shows a man in a car, wearing a ski mask and holding a handgun."
Black Lives Matter Ottawa was apparently unavailable for comment.