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15 February 2021


The capricious and unknowable "Will of, well... you know..."insert alt text hereYikers... there's gonna be a run on Virgins in Paradise...
At least 30 Taliban fighters have been killed in an explosion at a mosque in Afghanistan during a bomb-making class.
While the government has justified the curfew as a means of curbing the spread of the coronavirus, it has mandated a “total curfew” only for Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, which conveniently sync with the days of the papal trip.
Iraq’s Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi stated, “The visit of His Holiness the Pope will contribute to consolidating stability and spreading the spirit of brotherhood in Iraq and the region,”
The curfew will be lifted on March 8, the day of the pope’s return trip to Italy.