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13 February 2021


I'm so old I remember when elected representatives of the people actually got real shit done...
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Former President Trump was acquitted in an unprecedented second impeachment trial on the charge of inciting an insurrection for the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, making him the first and only president to be impeached and acquitted twice in history.
"This has been yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our country," Trump said.
The penultimate punchline was when Dems bluff got called...
"Yeah, we want witnesses too... starting with Nancy Pelosi."
 BONUS DEM TEARS: That was a close run thing...
“Can we build the Keystone Pipeline if we add Hunter Biden to the board?”
LAST WORD: Now, let's impeach Kamala...
“Using the manager’s proposed standard, is there any coherent way for Donald Trump’s words to be incitement and Kamala Harris’s words not to be incitement?”