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16 February 2021

Call the tune... pay the piper

A wise old man once said, "Nobody can hurt me without my permission"...
JACKSON, S.C. (WRDW/WAGT) - An armed home invader has died of his injuries after being fought off by an elderly Aiken County couple whose home he tried to invade, authorities said Tuesday.
Deputies said Harold L. Runnels Jr., knocked on the rear door and when it was opened, he charged his way in while wielding a large knife.
He then used the knife handle to start beating the occupants, an 82-year-old man and his 79-year-old wife.
During the attack, the husband, a Vietnam veteran, used the handle of his gun to defend himself and his wife, constantly striking Runnels, according to deputies.
Runnels succumbed to his traumatic injuries at 10:51 p.m. Monday at Augusta University Medical Center.
"When I heard they were able to fend off the suspect, I was so proud of them and I was like, ok, so that guy picked the wrong house.”
UPDATE:  Not me, not mine, not today...
“I felt, we’re gone,” 82-year-old Herbert Parrish said. “He’s going to kill us and take what he can take.” He then began beating the suspect with the shotgun, eventually mortally wounding him.