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16 February 2021

Build a wall... top it with glass shards... it with gun towers and lay landmines...insert alt text hereApparently, the first three massacres were deductable...
MEXICO CITY -- A human limb led police to more human remains in the Guadalajara metropolitan area this week: nearby were 18 garbage bags containing human remains.
Municipal officers on patrol saw the limb and began a search, finding the bags among the weeds in a ravine in Zapopan.
It was the fourth find of dumped or buried bodies in the greater Guadalajara area in a month
Seems President Grandad isn't losing any sleep...
A DHS spokesperson stated that untested border crossers are continuing to be released into the U.S. interior as long as they are not exhibiting coronavirus symptoms.
Some 25,600 migrants enrolled in the Remain in Mexico program are to be released into communities in El Paso and Brownsville, Texas, and San Diego, California.
"President Joe Biden will reportedly introduce an immigration bill this week that will provide 11 million illegal aliens citizenship and expand the refugee resettlement program."