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12 January 2021

Time to revisit Capital Punishment

Why do politicians insist on warehousing brutal murderers on the public dime?insert alt text here
“TORONTO • In pushing Mr. Hayahara into the front of the subway as it entered the station, Mr. Reszetnik meant either to cause his death, or to cause him bodily harm that he knew was likely to cause his death and was reckless whether death ensued or not.”

Whoa, Matlock... pump the freakin' brakes. You say Reszetnik was "reckless"... because he pushed a man he'd never spoken to under the wheels of a train.  

How about we stow the flowery speech and simply put this evil fucker down?  And what say a referendum on Paul Bernardo & Russell Williams while we're at it?

RELATED: Need another reason?