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10 January 2021

This evil f@ck gets showers?

I wouldn't be giving him food. Weld the door shut and turn off the lights...
Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is suing the federal government for $250,000 over what he says in a hand-written lawsuit is “disturbing” and “unprofessional” treatment inside the supermax prison in Colorado. He adds the harsh treatment has made his life inside the prison’s H-Unit so anxious it is adding to his “mental and physical decline.”

The bombing killed Martin Richard, 8; Krystle Campbell, 29; and Lu Lingzi, 23. More than 260 people were injured. MIT Police Officer Sean Collier, 27, was shot execution-style days later by the Tsarnaevs.
"Know what else causes anxiety? Having friends and family members maimed or killed by a psychopath and his brother."