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25 January 2021

Shorter Sloppy Joe Biden...

Borders are for Meanies... and Monogamists!insert alt text here
"A fierce shootout between rival cartels in Northern Mexico is linked to the discovery of 19 torched bodies a short distance from the border with Texas."
"Nice words of warning did nothing to discourage the migrants who had set out on Jan. 15. By Jan. 18 they were engaged in violent confrontations with Guatemalan National Guard and national police."
RELATED: Gotta have priorities...
Americans still waiting on coronavirus relief, including stimulus checks, from the federal government may be surprised to learn that President Biden is reportedly offering $4 billion to Central American countries for development.
To date this season, there have been 55 confirmed influenza cases across Canada. That is significantly lower than the six-year average of 18,130 cases.