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08 January 2021

More lunatic fodder...

...for the emotionally incontinent...insert alt text here
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has discussed “available precautions" with Army General Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, about taking measures to ensure an unstable Republican President Donald Trump cannot initiate hostilities or order a nuclear attack in his remaining 12 days in office.

Perhaps Speaker Pelosi could request the Chiefs set up a surreptitious Seal Team to immobilise the President if he decides to nuke Kerplunkistan at the next full moon? 

OH MY GAWD WE'RE ALL GONNA... wait a sec...

No military or national security official has expressed ANY concern about Trump’s mental state with regard to nuclear weapons.


Nancy Pelosi Contacts Area 51... Requests Lockdown of Death-Dealing Alien Technology.

I trust the Mainstream Media will be similarly assiduous when pantless Sloppy Joe starts strolling around the West Wing sniffing random french braids?