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05 January 2021

Be careful what you wish for... might just, by jingo, get it...insert alt text here
While many voters have been gaslighted as to the bizarre process that elevated this man to head his party's ticket, the reality is that not many Democrats had him as their first choice.

Eventually, the party faithful will sit bolt upright in the middle of the night and say, "Dear God, what have we done?"

Yes, a new year has dawned. Have a sip of something delicious; hold your loved ones close; and be very, very grateful you are not Joe Biden.
NO BARBIE, THE MATH IS EASY:insert alt text here
"An explosive new study released by the Media Research Center (MRC) on Tuesday, showed the legacy media’s suppression of eight key election-related news stories effectively handed the presidential election to Democrat Joe Biden."


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"Kamala Harris apparently lifted the “Fweedom” tall tale from a 1965 Playboy interview with Martin Luther King Jr."
No, surprise really, she's been caught lying before...
"Social media noted that Kamala Harris graduated from college in 1986 and Tupac and Snoop didn’t drop albums until 1991 and 1993, respectively."