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07 January 2021


Live with it, you smelly hippies...

insert alt text here

Edward Snowden (@Snowden) tweeted at 0:24 p.m. on Thu., Jan. 07, 2021:

Facebook officially silences the President of the United States.

For better or worse, this will be remembered as a turning point in the battle for control over digital speech. I know a lot of folks in the comments read this are like "YAAAAS," which, like • I get it.

But imagine for a moment a world that exists for more than the next 13 days, and this becomes a milestone that will endure.

DEAR MR ZUCKERBERG: Let the healing begin...

“Put Ted Cruz in the stocks and throw rotten fruit and buckets of horse piss at him. Then ride him on a rail."

Then tar and feather him. And film it. For Netflix,” Baldwin said in an angry tweet to his one million Twitter followers.