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12 December 2020

So much for Canadian Content

Any friend of Wolfie...insert alt text here
"Catherine Tait, the President and CEO of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, lives with her husband in a $5.4M (CAD) brownstone that she owns in the Boerum Hill neighbourhood of Brooklyn, New York, and has been travelling back and forth between the United States and her secondary residence in Ottawa throughout the pandemic."
"Last Saturday, for example, I had to reach rapidly for the dial when I heard that the CBC’s idea of celebrating the country’s war dead on Remembrance Day was to run a program on the internment of Japanese and Italian Canadians."
Oh, it gets better... by which I mean worse...
This week, CBC/Radio-Canada lawyers went to court in Montreal to plead that their Crown corporation not be subject to the Access to Information Act (AIA) like all other federal institutions.