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20 December 2020

As Canadian as Mohamed Atta

What do you suppose would happen if somebody defaced a police memorial in, say... Karachi, Pakistan? I'm guessing there would be way more asses beaten than kissed...insert alt text here
They wanted it to look like blood splattered against the Peel Police shrine for fallen officers. Balloons filled with red paint were thrown on the memorial paying tribute to Peel Regional Police officers who have died in the line of duty.

Earlier this month the same protesters attended Peel’s 11 Division at Dundas Street and Erin Mills Parkway and spray painted the outside of the newly renovated station.
Oh, it gets better...
Peel Regional Police Chief Nishan Duraiappah says he understands their concerns.insert alt text hereTHE HILL THEY CHOOSE TO DIE ON:
Ooh, ooh... I know this one!

Don't let mentally ill people with knives prank the local constabulary.
"Even though his uncle was holding a knife, Hashim said the police's decision to shoot him does not make sense."

Sorry, bruh... 'refusing to put down a weapon'... knife, gun, hammer... is literally the gold standard definition of when cops ACTUALLY CAN light some crazy f@cker up.  

LAST WORD: How about a National Lunatic Registry?

"If police could have stopped bus-beheader Vince Li, or PATH killer Rohinie Bisesar, or mugger Calvin Nimoh before they murdered innocent bystanders... would it not have served the greater good?"