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19 October 2020

Smell the "Professional" Journalism

Having a daily crisis is saving their failing business model... think about that...insert alt text here
On Sept. 22, CNN triumphantly announced that 200,000 people had died from COVID-19 in the United States. They tried various ways of rubbing in the 200,000 figure.

Their best effort was an infographic blaring, “US COVID-19 deaths are equal to having the 9/11 attacks every day for 66 days.”

Here’s a less biased, but less catchy, comparison: 2020’s attributed COVID-19 deaths were equivalent to having another 2017-2018 flu and pneumonia season boosted by 13 percent.

Those with good memories will recall seeing more “Wash Your Hands” and “Cough Into Your Elbows” posters.
And there's this...
The CDC itself caused a stir at the end of August by estimating that the virus directly caused only 6 percent, or now just over 11,000 of the 187,000 attributed deaths. Most of these deaths were in the elderly.
It gets better... by which I mean worse...
"Historians will note that Covid-19 was the most successful melded use of psychological and biological warfare in human history."