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05 October 2020

It's the Flu, stupid

But let's trash the global economy anyway...insert alt text here
With our new data from the WHO today we updated our comparison of the worst flu pandemics in US history.

The Coronovirus with an overall mortality rate per population of 0.13% is now ranked as the 4th worst pandemic in the US in the last 110 years based on global numbers.

The global COVID-19 mortality rate is a bit higher than the 2018 US flu season.
But the media continues to ramp up the hysteria.

RELATED: Nobody wants to talk about it

LAST WORD: Getting to the bottom of it...
Researchers from the University of Guelph say they're testing wastewater from campus residences for early signs of COVID-19 and could find out this week if new cases are cropping up.

Professors Lawrence Goodridge and Ed McBean say the tests detect levels of the novel coronavirus released in human feces.