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28 October 2020


Where is Snake Plissken when you really need him?"insert alt text hereAnd why does "social justice" inevitably involve the extra-legal aquisition of high-end consumer electronics?
Shops and Police Vehicle Looted During Black Lives Matter Riot • Fires, Officer Down, Police ‘Lost Control of 52nd Street’"
A massive violent riot has broken out in Philadelphia in response to the police shooting of a black man who ran at officers with a knife.
At least one officer was hit by a large truck, a police vehicle was looted, another was lit on fire, and shops are currently being ransacked.
"The Community" gets their "Reparations"...
Looters in the Port Richmond neighborhood of Philadelphia ransacked a Walmart during the second night of "protesting." Rioters broke pipes in the ceiling, flooding the store.
And there's this...
"Philadelphia bomb squad investigators are looking into the series of explosions at ATMs across the city."

The Toronto Red Star is calling this "Unrest"... conjuring up images of old men sitting on park benches and muttering under their breath.

Not that New York is any better.

Beverly Hills has closed Rodeo Drive, and advised shop owners to board up their stores next Tuesday and beyond.
Oh, c'mon... we all know it's gonna be "MOSTLY PEACEFUL"