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08 October 2020

Back in Justin's "Post-National" state

Not a farmer, hunter or skeet shooter in sight...
Man shot while carrying baby in tony Dunbar neighbourhood of Vancouver.
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Liban Hassan, 35, and Ahmed Ismail, 24, were charged Wednesday with attempted murder. One of the two suspects charged is also wanted in a kidnap-murder near Toronto.


Corrupted by Canada...
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REGINA • Ali came up behind and pumped five or six shots into the vehicle, hitting the complainant at least twice.

Stooshinoff said his client was born and raised in Toronto by parents who were refugees to Canada, and that his client fell into a bad crowd.
RELATED: No Deer, No AR15s, No solution...
The FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR) for 2019 shows more than four times as many people were stabbed to death than were killed with rifles of any kind. The UCR shows 364 were killed with rifles in 2019, while 1,476 were stabbed to death with knives or cutting instruments.”