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07 October 2020


Don't you worry, Allah sees everything. He'll pump the brakes on those "satanic" Jews...insert alt text hereinsert alt text here
“Marry your daughters off when they are 12 or 13,” for “delaying marriage increases depravity, homosexuality,” says Qatari Sociologist Abd Al-Aziz Al-Ansari. "The Jews failed to destroy you, kill you, disgrace you and occupy you."

"What is the solution?"

"They want to destroy you socially, by increasing your depravity, prostitution, lesbianism, homosexuality, sodomy, by delaying the age of marriage.”
Yeah... that doesn't sound insane at all.

RELATED: Think it's not a problem here?
"In the undated ‘Muslims in Calgary’ article entitled Female Circumcision in Islam, author Asiff Hussein claims both that FGM is 'an Islamic practice' and that it 'brings untold benefits to women'.”

You know... like killing "excessive sexual arousal."