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30 October 2020

And The Rockets Red Glare...

"...the bombs bursting in air" ♫...insert alt text hereWhat happens to all the folks who can't afford panic rooms and armed bodyguards?
New York’s ultra-rich are quietly preparing for civil unrest on Election Day — by hiring armed guards, off-duty cops with “submachine guns,” to stand watch over their luxury Manhattan buildings.  “The NYPD is advising buildings to get the extra security,” the source said. “They’ve never done this before.”

It’s even worse in Florida, where one New Yorker, who owns a luxury condo in Naples, said her building has hired two ex-marine “snipers” to stand on guard, with guns, on the roof, on Election Day and after.
“We expect that this mobilization will create space and opportunity for unrest, primarily in Minneapolis. In this context, the situation could rapidly spiral beyond control depending on the nature of the unrest and the State’s reaction.”