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13 September 2020

The Death of Freedom & Liberty

If you can't see it... you're part of the problem...
While authoritarian governments commonly criminalize gatherings of potential dissidents, meeting to oppose the current batch of seat-warmers in favor of your own lot is essential to the democratic experience in nominally free countries.

It's also a fundamental right to gather with friends, co-religionists, colleagues, and family as part of civil society • the sections of the world that matter, beyond the boundaries of government.

"Dangers looms when one person tries to regulate the lives of millions."

It's difficult to imagine government officials • having exercised unprecedented control over our lives, often to popular applause • willingly restoring our freedom.

The damage is worse, though, when frightened people imagine that the curtailment of liberty is a good thing and become complicit in the oppression of themselves and their neighbors.