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15 September 2020


Think the cops can defend you? Apparently they're having trouble defending themselves...insert alt text here
TORONTO“Members of the crowd climbed onto the Police cars and began jumping on top of them. Three TPS scout cars were surrounded by motor vehicles, and others who were on foot,” said a police source.

When more police came, the crowd dispersed.

There were no arrests.

For now, this is being investigated
So, lemme see if I understand this... trashing police cars... with Police Officers inside them... is no longer an arrestable offense. Good to know.

The article notes that relations between Police and "some members of the community" are at an all-time low.

I can't imagine why.

RELATED: Justin Trudeau's #DiversityStrongistan
Meet the late Farogh Sadat...

The judge quoted a "chilling" conversation between Sadat's wife and a co-accused's brother, in which Sadat's wife said, "If the kidnapping victim doesn't drop the charges, then they want to get rid of everyone involved permanently."

The kidnapping charges against Sadat were stayed in 2018.