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12 September 2020

Reading, Writing & Racial Theory

Does the phrase, "Educators who reflect Black Canadians in what they teach" give anyone else pause? Anyone?

Do we currently have "Educators who reflect pre-apartheid White South Africans?"insert alt text hereSo can someone... anyone... tell me exactly what problem we're solving here? How does weaving "identity politics" into our children's daily lives make things better?
"We are embedding African Nova Scotian curriculum into science, into math, into phys ed • into the regular classes • because we realize that the way for change is definitely through education."

"When we can speak to all students • rather than the 20 that take a specific course • it's better for us."
Who exactly is "us," bro... and how does your "African Nova Scotian curriculum" add to an understanding of algebra or Euclidean geometry?

I mean, imagine that a Caucasian teacher blithely announced, "I couldn't really show up to work being my true White self"... what do you suppose would happen next?

And I can't actually believe the 24/7 Justin Network had the nerve to invoke violent felon George Floyd.insert alt text here
"Floyd tested positive for Fentanyl 11 ng/mL. Floyd had 19 ng/mL of Methamphetamine in his system. A man with high blood pressure and heart disease should not be getting high on Meth."
RELATED: "Reality is what I say it is."