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10 September 2020

I'm just waiting to hear the details...

...of that "David Duke Scholarship Fund"...
The University of Michigan-Dearborn hosted racially segregated events on Tuesday, one for “Non-POC,” and the other for “BIPOC” (Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color) students. Breitbart News reached out to the University of Michigan-Dearborn to request comment on why it endorses segregation, and how this advances the academic mission of the university.

In response to Breitbart News’ inquiry as to whether participants were screened to ensure they attend the racially appropriate meeting, the university says “the events were never intended to be exclusive or exclusionary for individuals of a certain race.”
RELATED: The real gold is in the comments...
"I watch mostly black and white movies; does that make me racist or woke?"
LAST WORD: We've reached "Peak Parody"