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10 September 2020

If it only saves one, uh... Kielburger

FROM THE COMMENTS:insert alt text here
"Basically proves the theory that this was a bailout for Justin’s friends. Totally scummy but expected in a banana republic like ours."
No wonder Pierre-lite shut down Parliament.


...for the announcement about separate drinking fountains...insert alt text here
"An investment in black excellence is an investment in economic empowerment, and economic empowerment is an essential part of justice," said the prime minister, before announcing an investment of $221 million to launch Canada's first black entrepreneurship program."
Hang on... unless we're saying that Canada is truly a racist shithole, wouldn't "black excellence" be doing just fine?
Isn't Trudeau actually saying he's setting up a fund to bootstrap "black mediocrity?"

Yet again... a heaping plate of that Liberal bigotry of low expectations with just a soupçon of purchasing people's votes.

And curious minds want to know... are there bonus government funds for sporting a black vagina?