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16 September 2020

Gearing Up

People are starting to talk about Civil War 2.0...insert alt text here
"National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) figures show there were nearly five million first-time gun buyers who made purchases amid the surge in retail gun sales, January 2020 through July 2020.

Many of these purchasers were from demographics the establishment media does not typically tie to gun purchases."
Don't blame the patriarchy...
"NSSF isolated and examined the first six months of 2020 and found that gun purchases by black men and women were up 58 percent over what they were during the first six months of 2019."
"Unarmed self-defense is great, when it works. I’m a fan. Less-lethal devices like pepper spray are great, when they work."

"But trust me, everybody who does this professionally, who has spent years learning about how violence really works, we all have guns."