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23 September 2020

And Trump is the crazy anarchist

Democrats need to stack the Supreme Court and abolish the Electoral College...
CNN’s Don Lemon made his colleague Chris Cuomo appear sane last night during his nightly TV show. Lemon lost his mind saying we need “to blow up the entire system” so the “majority” could “have a bigger say in government.”

The “majority” meaning the left, of course.
Put him in a cell with Ricin Gal.

ALSO DON LEMON: The passing-by of judgement
"CNN host Don Lemon said Wednesday evening the broadcasted torture of a bound and gagged victim in Chicago was not “evil,” adding that the suspects had 'bad home training'.”
RELATED: Let's ask Ruth Bader Ginsburg...
The late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg argued in 2016 that the United States Senate should respect that a president’s constitutional power is for “four years, not three years,” when considering Supreme Court appointments.
Puts a different odor on the alleged "deathbed wish."

"Just bullshit wishcasting from her granddaughter."