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21 August 2020

Known as inmate #86G0206 for 27 years.

Is anybody really surprised? This is the party with a senile candidate...insert alt text here
On Thursday, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) hailed Hylton as one of "America's most impactful community leaders" and asked her to participate in a video reading of the Preamble to the Constitution during a televised portion of the convention.

Her appearance has left some people puzzled and others furious, wondering why the DNC would rally behind a woman who was involved in the brutal rape, torture and murder of a 62-year-old man.

An email seeking comment from the DNC was not immediately returned.
And trust me, it's worse than you can imagine...
Many of the details of the case were revealed in a July 1995 report from Psychology Today. During the group’s torture of Vigliarolo, they squeezed his testicles with pliers, shoved a metal rod into his anus, and would beat him periodically.
The Vote Trump Out site includes an FAQ section to counter potential left-leaning arguments against voting for Biden. “Crucially, Biden is moveable. We’ve already shown that with mass pressure, we can push him to support more progressive policies.
Keep hitting them out of the park, Joe!