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17 August 2020

It's the Los Angeles Riots...

...all over again...
He was dragged from the truck and tackled to the ground as he begged for help — getting repeatedly punched as he tried to call his wife while pleading with his attackers as he sat on the ground.
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His wife was shown sobbing nearby as the mob held her back and appeared to rifle through his truck.

The victim was bleeding from a large wound in the back of his head as he appeared unconscious throughout another almost 2½-minute clip.

Even as he remained unconscious, a woman was heard taunting him, “Get your bitch ass up!
Smell the Justice!

RELATED: Think it couldn't happen here?

Think again...insert alt text hereLAST WORD: Choose wisely
"No one will be safe in a Biden-run America," Trump said, adding that "Biden and Harris are pro-crime and anti-cop."

"There's no other way to say it. "We're anti-crime and pro-cop all the way."