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01 August 2020

How about we go after the criminals?

You know... instead of farmers, hunters & skeet shooters...insert alt text here
Darnell Reid, 27, a Brampton man with a history of flouting bail conditions related to firearm offences has been charged with second-degree murder in connection with a double shooting Tuesday in which his girlfriend Darian Hailey Henderson Bellman, 25,was killed.

In the news release, police said Reid was arrested in May for possession of an illegal firearm in an unrelated matter and has continued to offend by possessing illegal firearms, but was released back into the community with a GPS monitoring device after only six days in custody.
Just a reminder... criminals don't obey laws... or hunt deer with an AR15...insert alt text here
“At the time of this incident, the accused, Darnell Reid, was the subject of an interim judicial release stemming from a previous domestic violence incident between the accused and the victim. “This resulted in another life being taken by a violent offender with another illegal firearm,”

Since that charge, Peel Regional Police Chief Nishan Duraiappah said, Reid had been arrested on four separate occasions for breaching terms of his release by being in contact with Henderson-Bellman.
Justin's seizures of legal firearms from law-abiding citizens do nothing to stop crime.

Ask Darian Bellman.