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19 August 2020

Does King Joffrey Trudeau even know...

...what the truth is anymore?insert alt text here
Trudeau spoke out against prorogation in 2010 — even marching in Montreal alongside the Communist Party — and even as recently as 2017 was telling the House of Commons that he would, “not resort to prorogation to avoid problematic situations.”

Yet here we are: The Trudeau Liberals are resorting to prorogation in order to stop the Parliamentary committees that have been holding hearings, calling witnesses and causing Trudeau problems with the WE scandal.

Liberals continue to claim that the WE scandal — a tale of a conflict of interest accusations where the PM’s mother, brother and wife were paid by an organization that was getting lucrative government contracts — is not hurting them.

The PM is already signaling that he will be willing to spend lots of tax dollars and tack further to the left in order to win back voters.
News of the payments to two members of Trudeau's family seems to contradict WE Charity's earlier claim that it had "never paid an honorarium" to Margaret Trudeau.
LAST WORD: No wonder, he's shutting shit down