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11 August 2020

Democrats finally choose VP candidate...

...and, as expected, it's a twofer.

"Damn... if only she was in a wheelchair!"insert alt text here
"After months of speculation and spurred by the killing of George Floyd by police which sparked nationwide protests and a concerted effort by Democrats to push for a black woman VP, Joe Biden named California Senator Kamala Harris as his vice presidential nominee."
RELATED: Biden Campaign plays it safe...
"Let's face it, guys... her name has five syllables."
Kamala, Kamala... that sounds so familiar...
"Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family,” he reportedly said, “we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.”

That's Donald Harris, the Jamaican-born father of Democratic 2020 presidential hopeful Kamala Harris.
Apparently Kamala can't even sweep her immediate family.

LAST WORD: From the comments...
"There is nothing magical about the term 'diversity.' I prefer the use of the phrase 'the most qualified person(s) for the job.' As soon as he uttered the words 'woman of color' he lost control of the whole process."

"It appears that hiring criteria based on things like education and experience are no longer in fashion for democrats. Their new selection method comes down to simply a 'pigment and plumbing' requirement."

"Does anybody actually believe that Biden had any part in the choice of a VP?"