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19 July 2020

The racist shithole where I live

Smug AND racist...insert alt text here
Canadians frequently feel a little smug watching the struggle for equality of people of colour south of the border. We should realize, however, that racism is alive and well in this country, including in Mississippi Mills.

Ms. Doiley-Lavictoire must pass a certain house on her way to her night shift work and to circulate in the community. The tenants of the property regularly shout the N-word at her, call her “trash” and make other racial slurs as she passes.
Funny that there's no video or independent verification of these "slurs" even though everybody I know has a video camera in their hip pocket.

Could there possibly be another side to this story...
Crystal Wilson, the woman who rents the house where the path is located says she hasn’t used slurs, but just wants people to stay off the property. The issue is not one of racism, but of trespassing on private property.

I just want people to stop walking through my backyard.” Wilson said she had hired a lawyer and declined to comment further.
Well, that's what a racist would... wait a minute...
Doiley said police had sent her a notification of a fine for using the path, but she sent it back to them.
Because they're racists, too?