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14 July 2020

Surprise, Surprise... Liberals say... extra money for the Auditor-General...justin pals
"It is really astonishing that during, by far, the greatest and swiftest surge in public spending in our lifetime, an outpouring of $250 billion, that a miserable fraction of that amount [11 million] could not be found to enable the auditor general to at least attempt to keep track of how it is being spent."
But let's hear right from the horse's mouth...
I simply wanted to highlight that auditing all of the COVID programs would be astronomical. There’s just so many. We would likely just be doing that for many years to come, which we don’t believe is the best thing for Parliament and the best for Canadians.”
RELATED: And there's taking care of Mummy...
"Records show this was not the first time the WE Charity received an exclusive contract from the Trudeau government, although it is by far the largest."
Let's remember that a quarter million dollars found it's way into Margaret Trudeau's silk-lined pockets.