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09 July 2020

So her journalism/photography career...

...didn't exactly work out... what's a dutiful son to do?insert alt text hereBaby needs a new pair of underpants...
"Trudeau’s mother, Margaret Trudeau, spoke at approximately 28 WE Charity events and was paid $250,000 in speaking honorariums between 2016 and 2020. His brother, Alexandre Trudeau, also spoke at eight events from 2017 to 2018 and was paid a total of approximately $32,000."

News of the payments to two members of Trudeau's family seems to contradict WE Charity's earlier claim that it had "never paid an honorarium" to Margaret Trudeau.
Now, let's take a look at Sophie's lottery ticket.

UPDATE:  Who's sorry now?
OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau admits that he did not recuse himself from the federal cabinet vote to outsource a $900-million student volunteer program to WE Charity, which has close ties to him and his family.
Close ties? That's what we're calling it now?

Passing out big bucks to everyone who had anything at all to do with it seems to be the essence of this entire scheme. Here’s $900 million: spend half of it to give the other half away. Hell, with that mandate, even I could run it.

On a wider scale, there might usefully be some inquiry into why Kielburger Inc. has such easy access to the Canadian school system.
LAST WORD:   Rules are for little people