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12 July 2020

Is it just possible that statues of...

...Winston Churchill aren't Britain's most pressing social problem?
"Leicester’s police and other public officials overlooking instances of modern slavery out of fear of appearing racist is strikingly similar to how law enforcement agencies allowed child rapist grooming gangs to operate for decades in cities across the North and Midlands of England."
You think that doesn't happen here? Think again...
"Canadians are obliged to 'remember' this event every December 6 — I call it 'Never Hear the End of It Day' — while conveniently forgetting that killer 'Mark LĂ©pine' had been born Gamil Gharbi, the son of a Muslim immigrant wife beater."
And France, it seems, is already lost...
"Obtained and reported on by French newspaper Le Figaro, the report states that in certain districts of the country an 'Islamist ecosystem' has emerged that questions secular principles such as equality of men and women and the rights of homosexuals."
Well, there may have been a few other clues.