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23 July 2020


Or are we just going to pretend it never happened?insert alt text here
I asked that the Speaker of the House be instructed to ban any political organization or political party that ever publicly supported slavery or the Confederate States of America.

A cursory examination of our nation’s factual history and records proves the riots and chaos that have swept across our country in recent months stand as a devastating reminder of the racist policies and values held by the Democratic Party throughout much of its history.

Because of this, I introduced a privileged resolution in the House calling upon Congress to acknowledge the indecorous history of the Democratic Party.

Republicans overwhelmingly supported the 14th and 15th Amendments, which recognized former slaves as citizens and granted them, as citizens, the right to vote.

Meanwhile, every single Democrat in Congress voted against their passage to the shame of the good done in our country’s history.
Let's talk about "Massa Joe Biden"...insert alt text here
“I want you to know that I very much appreciate your help during this week’s Committee meeting in attempting to bring my anti-busing legislation to a vote,” Biden wrote on June 30, 1977, to Sen. James Eastland, The Washington Post reported.

Eastland was a plantation owner who believed blacks belonged to an inferior race, and forcefully fought desegregation throughout his career as a Democratic lawmaker from Mississippi.
No wonder the Democrats want to erase history.

LAST WORD: Dear Joe...
"The 12 US Presidents who owned slaves would like a word."