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18 July 2020

And Justice for Some

Dear HRH Prince Charles... pls note, I'm still waiting for my "Highland Clearances" cheque...
TORONTO, July 18, 2020 /CNW/ - Black Lives Matter held a rally and march today in support of demands to defund the police, invest in communities and create emergency safety services that do not harm Black and Indigenous people.
Remember, it's not vandalism... it's "artistic disruption"...
Along with a coalition of artists, the group artistically disrupted statues of slaveholders and monuments to colonialism at Ryerson University and at Queen's Park.
Black Lives Matter... that sounds so familiar...
A social media post has resurfaced from Black Lives Matter Toronto co-founder Yusra Khogali in which she apparently argues that white people are “sub-human” and are “recessive genetic defects.”

Whiteness is not humxness,” reads the statement. “In fact, white skin is sub-humxn.”